
Visit Us

We have a new location next to Ruby Hill Park, at 1295 S. Lipan Street.

It is a light industrial neighborhood that puts us in the same area as some other nifty bicycle related businesses, such as da Vinci Designs and Wabi Cycles.

Look for the big gray building that says “Rocket Seals” on it, and you’ve found us!

Two blocks from the Ruby Hill Bike Park, and two blocks from the Platte River Trail, we are easy to find by bike as well.

Walk-ins are always welcome, but we will always give priority and primary attention to those who have made an appointment with us. Purchasing a new bike, dropping off a repair, or talking about frame repair and fabrication work are our three most common customer needs, therefore those are the three booking options. If you don’t know which category you fit in, select the option with the amount of time you would like our attention for (15/30/45 minutes) and type us a note!


Get in Touch

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(303) 390-1101